02 February 2023

Feedback on the European Commission proposal on vaccine-preventable cancers

The Standing Committee of European Doctors (CPME) welcomes the Europe’s Beating Cancer Plan’s flagship initiative to support EU Member State efforts to extend routine vaccination against viruses that can cause cancers later in life.
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CPME supports the European Commission’s proposal to support EU Member States’ efforts to extend routine vaccination of girls and boys against Human papillomaviruses (HPV) to eliminate cervical cancer and other cancers caused by those viruses. However, the goal set in the Europe’s Beating Cancer Plan to vaccinate at least 90% of the EU target population of girls by 2030 should be set also for boys. HPV vaccination should start early (9-12 years of age) and be free of charge as part of the national immunisation programmes. Moreover, the cost effectiveness of a nonavalent HPV vaccination should be studied and discussed in Europe.

CPME also welcomes the proposal’s call for measures by EU Member States, stakeholders, and the Commission to increase access to vaccination against Hepatitis B virus (HBV) for all affected population groups, with a view to increasing vaccination uptake, as infection with HBV can become chronic and develop into cancer.

CPME believes that the proposed initiative would increase coverage rates for HPV and HBV vaccination and would therefore have a positive impact on public health, including a reduced burden on health systems. It is of course essential to provide an easy access to these vaccines, to foster a high uptake. To this end, we call for tailored policies for hard-to-reach and vulnerable populations including refugees.

Finally, European doctors, among other healthcare professionals, are pleased to see that the Coalition for Vaccination, co-chaired by CPME, will be consulted. CPME affirms that vaccination is a safe and efficient way of protecting individuals and populations from vaccine-preventable communicable diseases.

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