Environmental Health & Climate Change

CPME Chair of Working Group: Dr Martin BALZAN (MT)
CPME Secretariat: Mr Markus KUJAWA

Climate change affects also human health. Reducing greenhouse gas emissions through better transport, energy, and food choices can result in better health, especially through reduced air pollution. CPME contributes to the debate on climate change to highlight the implications for health through its collaboration with the Lancet Countdown. CPME also calls on the policymakers to make the EU air quality standards more stringent, fully aligned with the latest WHO recommendations.

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Sep 2021
Open letter from health professionals to Heads of State calling for a #HealthyClimatePrescription
Over 600 organisations representing over 46 million health workers, together with over 3,400 individuals from 102 different countries, signed the open letter to national leaders and country delegations ahead of the 2021 United Nations climate negotiations in Glasgow (COP26).
May 2020
Open letter from health professionals to the G20 leaders calling for a #HealthyRecovery
Over 350 organisations representing over 40 million health professionals and over 4,500 individual health professionals from 90 different countries wrote to the G20 leaders calling for a #HealthyRecovery.
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