Empowering Patients in the Management of Chronic Diseases (EMPATHiE) (2013-2014)
The EMPATHiE project ran from December 2013 to September 2014 with an aim to deliver a research project to the European Commission to achieve a common understanding of the concept of patient empowerment and identify good practices, success factors and barriers. It was funded under the Health Programme 2008-2013 (Work plan 2013) and structured in four work packages:
WP1: To identify models of best practices for patient empowerment
WP2: To perform an analysis of the models of patient empowerment and present a clear identification of advantages and barriers to empowering patients
WP3: To develop a method to validate transferability of good practices, taking into account the context of other diseases, patient characteristics and those of health systems
WP4: To develop scenarios for future EU collaboration in the area of patient empowerment
CPME contributed to the work of the study and in particular to the development of scenarios for future EU collaboration in the area of patient empowerment.
Please a project leaflet here and a final summary report here. Moreover, please find a short clip about patient empowerment from the European Network on Patient Empowerment (ENOPE) HERE.